19% above projection is NEWS
Tonight’s national news media is reminding us that the unemployment rate was projected to rise to 8% before the stimulus package came to the rescue—and now unemployment is at 9.5%. That means unemployment is now 19% above President Obama's projection. That's news!
27% below projection is NOT NEWS
Greensboro projected that in 2008 water use would be 42.4 million gallons a day (mgd). The actual amount of water used in 2008 was only 30.9 mgd.
That means Greensboro overestimated its water needs by 27%. Is that news? Apparently not because the local news media refuses to report it.

A 19% error in the employment rate is important enough to be covered by all the major networks, but a 27% error in Greensboro water use in not significant enough to get the attention of the Greensboro News & Record, The Rhinoceros Times, YES! WEEKLY, WFMY News 2 or FOX8 WGHP-TV. Why?
How about you bloggers?—Greensboro over-estimated it’s 2008 water use by 27% to justify the Randleman Dam. Is that important enough to share with your readers?
Bloggers—Greensboro's projected water use was overestimated every year for the past 13 years to justify the Randleman Dam. Is that news worth passing to your readers?
The truth about Greensboro water use is embarrassing to the local news media that has routinely published the City propaganda it has been fed. But aren't you bloggers different? Aren't you the alternative to the broadcast and print media that's been so asleep at the wheel? Why have you not investigated the Randleman Dam Scam? Why are you not asking questions after all the evidence that's been provided?
Greensboro overestimated its water needs by 27% and now it is expanding its waterworks by 75% at a cost of $70 million. Water use has declined since 1995 and nobody is challenging this expansion. And Greensboro's bloggers don't think this is news. Do we need an alternative to the alternative?

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