My reply to N&R reporter Jason Harden's email:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Hardin [mailto:Jason.Hardin@news-record.com]
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 2:37 PM
To: Mike Baron
Subject: RE: City counts its cash as water runs low
Thanks for passing on the link (to your blog). Just two quick
One, the city didn’t issue a press release. It’s been a dry summer, so I checked with them. It’s similar to the story from last year because it’s a similar situation. When the weather is dry, weather stories are not uncommon. Sometimes I check with the city, sometimes with farmers, sometimes with nurseries.
Two, the story did report that water demand has fallen.
Thanks again,
Jason Hardin
News & Record
From: Mike Baron
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:20 AM
To: 'Jason Hardin'
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Jason Hardin,
N&R reporter
Dear Reporter Harden:
Why won't the News & Record inform its readers about Greensboro’s phony water forecast? (See CHART)
That forecast was a fabrication! It helped citizens and government officials become convinced that the Randleman Dam was necessary!
A government fabrication created to sway public opinion is BIG NEWS that's begging to be told!
I fed this information to the N&R in 1997, 1999 and 2008 and your newspaper continues to spike the Greensboro water fraud story!
The N&R is going to look pretty foolish when the information in my CHART reaches the public. Your newspaper will look like an
accomplice in the scam for the Randleman Dam.
Mike Baron
(N&R from 2008 - Double click to read)
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